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A member registered May 31, 2018

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Heck yeah! Y'all hit the nail right on the head with this fix. The new GUI is fresh, and I can't wait to see the next few updates as well! I understand you guys have other selling games, but the fact you came out to update your free one under requests from fans proves how great of developers you guys are! Great development team focused on making great games and I love it!

I know you guys saw my comment on YouTube (Camden Woodby), and I have lots of suggestions for the game in the future. If you ever want genuine, honest feedback from someone who plays the game often, you can send me an email at You can just respond to this as well, or message me on the official GMGames website. I am aidenswrld on there. I'll be sure to watch out for anything from you guys. I'm constantly trying to relive the thrill of NCAA 14, and this game is breaking the ice of American football games based in the college football world.